From Ancient Decorative Objects to Modern Jewelry

Personal items of adornment followed our rise from the prehistoric beginnings in ancient Africa to the modern times when fashion changes put tremendous pressure to the artisan who create countless jewelry designs across entire world. Here you can find out more about fascinating history of jewelry.

Ancient Jewelry History – Prehistoric times and ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China managed to create foundation for all future jewelry designs that are in use today. Here you can find out how jewelry traveled through millennia’s and some of the most important improvements it received with the arrival of metal age.

Ancient Egyptian Jewelry – Innovations that Ancient Egypt introduced to the art of jewel making managed to influence almost entire history of modern fashion. Here you can find out what were their most popular fashion trends.

Mesopotamian Jewelry History – Development of jewelry in Mesopotamia and Assyria played one of the key roles in the history of this ancient form of expression. Here you can find out more about their civilization, fashionable trends and the way the used various raw materials to create timeless works of art.

Ancient Greek Jewelry History – The art of jewel making received much attention from Greek artisan over the several thousand years of their civilization. Here you can find out more about their jewelry and the way they managed to retain their unique styles even though the ages.

Jewelry in Ancient China – Influence of Ancient Chinese art and jewelry had very profound effect on the development of many civilizations in Asia. Here you can find out more about most popular jewelry styles and designs that were developed in China.

History of Indian Jewelry and Fashion – With its 5000 year old uninterrupted and continuous development of arts, India represents one of the rare civilizations that managed to build very strong connection between daily life and jewelry. Here you can find out more about interesting history of Indian jewelry and fashion.

History of Roman Jewelry – The long reach of Roman Republic and later on Empire meant that their jewelry style had numerous influences from many neighboring and conquered civilizations, but in spite of that Roman managed to forge their own unique style which remnants are still present in modern society.

Jewelry of the Middle Ages – Use of jewels in European Middle Ages went through several distinct phases, which were greatly influenced by constant wars, famines, plagues and eventual contact with foreign civilization after the start of Crusades. Here you can find out how jewelry managed to survive and thrive in these hard times.

History of Renaissance Jewelry – End of the European Middle Ages and the arrival of Renaissance enabled the rapid growth and expansion of jewel making that was heavily influenced by distant civilizations and exotic materials which were imported from all four sides of the world.

History of Romanticism Jewelry – Romanticism is today remembered as one of the many fashion styles that were introduced to the public during the reign of English Queen of Victoria. Her influence on the world of art represented on of the biggest fashion changes in the history of jewelry.

History of Art Nouveau Jewelry – Between the often somber motifs of later Victorian age and arrival of World War I, modernist movement known as Art Nouveau managed to engulf Europe with its style that focused greatly on natural forms, curved lines and feminist imagery.

History of Art Deco Jewelry – The “roaring twenties” are today remembered not only for its music style and innovations brought by Industrial revolution, but also for its innovative art Art Deco style that had really big influence on the fashion of United States and Europe.

Native American Jewelry – Rich and colorful traditions and adaptive nature of Native Americans managed to produce some of the most unique styles of jewelry that can be found today. Here you can find out how their culture viewed jewelry and incorporated much of their history into designs of decorative items.

From Wikipedia: History of Jewelry